After Receiving My First Valentine’s Rose from a Blue-Uniformed Honda Rep by Susi Lopera

This piece was selected by our guest editor, Joe Russo.

“The mirror warps my face as I stroke the lipstick trace left by Mom’s kiss on my cheek. Its shade matches the rose I tuck behind my ear. The rose’s ribbon, blue and festooned with Honda logos, I tie as a headband around my hair.”

Continue reading “After Receiving My First Valentine’s Rose from a Blue-Uniformed Honda Rep by Susi Lopera”

The Thing That Would Make Her Happy by Rodd Whelpley

This poem was selected by our guest editor, Joe Russo.

You know the thing that would make her happy is if you would use a word from the chart posted on her office wall. You see it when you look away from the perfect lipstick of her social work smile or her eyes that, pupil-to-pupil, pin to yours while she waits the silent prelude of your answer.

Continue reading “The Thing That Would Make Her Happy by Rodd Whelpley”

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